Being on this minimalist journey and practicing living mindfully, Decluttering has become a regular practice for me. I feel a sense of peace and calm when my home is neat, tidy, and clutter-free. I hope you will too.
When we begin our minimalist journey, it can feel overwhelming to declutter everything all at once. I found it easier and more manageable to tackle an area of the home each day over seven days.
As you declutter your home, keep in mind that there is no "right" way to minimalism. Minimalism is 100% catered to your unique lifestyle.
Depending on how large your home is and where you are at in your minimalist journey will effect how long this decluttering process will take. If you declutter often 7 days is a good time frame to do the entire house. You will need much more time if this is your first time decluttering. If you have a lot of stuff to declutter give yourself plenty of time. The suggested Day 1 might be better suited for you Week 1 or even Month 1. Take it slow! There is no need to stress yourself out with unrealistic time frames.
Before you begin decluttering. In each area of your home, identify the purpose of the space. Each room may only have two or three purposes.
Example: My kitchen's purpose is 1. prepare food 2. gather family 3. family information hub
You are keeping only the items that bring you joy and give value to the room's purpose.
Day 1 Bedroom
I organize all chosen items neatly for when I need them. I pull everything out from under my bed and eliminate misplaced things that have found their way. I declutter all items that I didn't realize were even there, which means I never use these discarded things in the first place.
Begin by eliminating all items I don't reach for every night or morning. Any books I'm not reading, clutter that has found its way there at some point. I only keep a few items that are useful at my bedside. Like a lamp, alarm clock, or phone charger.
Even though I don't buy many new clothes, I still can find clothes to eliminate. I try to ask myself a few inquiry questions.
"How many times have I worn this within the last six months?" and
"Do I still enjoy wearing this?" "Does this fit my current lifestyle?"
"Does it still fit my body"
"Does it match my current climate"
I've often had clothing for years, and my style has changed a bit, making some of my clothes outdated. Also, the old style may not fit in with my wardrobe formula anymore.
I only keep the clothes that I love, wear often, and can mix and match in my wardrobe formula.
Shoes and Accessories
I will go through my shoes and accessories in the same way. I am asking myself some probing questions to see if each item is relative to my lifestyle.
Now is the perfect time to get rid of unworn belts, worn-out shoes, outdated accessories, missing socks, and old clothes we never reach.
Day 2 Living Room
Identifying the main purpose of the living room. Keeping only the items that add value to the purpose of the room.
Decluttering household decor and knick&knacks. Only keep the items that bring you joy.
I am eliminating extra throw pillows and blankets.
Electronic, CD's, Games
Checking electronics and remotes for ones that are no longer working or that you don't use.
Let go of old CDs, DVDs, and Games that you no longer enjoy.
Extra furniture can make a room feel crowded. Take inventory of extra pieces of furniture that you don't use and add clutter. Maybe the furniture no longer fits your style or new space.
Whenever I have moved and I no longer need future particular items, I can make a little money by selling them on the Facebook marketplace or craigslist. Sometimes I have donated it to charity where the item can be used.
Day 3 Bathrooms
Beauty Products
I go through my make-up, hair, and beauty products and throughout any expired or old products. Next, I determined what products I'm currently using and like. Many times I have bought a new product to try only to find I was not too fond of it. If I'm never going to use something, then there is no reason I should keep it.
Grooming Products
Eliminate old hair styling products that are no longer useful. Get rid of all grooming items that are broken or no longer used. Maybe your hairstyle has changed, and you don't need a curling iron anymore.
Medicine & First Aid
Start by throwing out all expired & old medications—both prescriptions and over-the-counter. Keeping expired medication is unnecessary and can be dangerous.
All first aid items can be decluttered and organized in like item boxes. If you have three half-empty boxes of band-aids, you can combine them into one package and toss the others. Declutter sunscreens, lotions, ointments, and sprays, and only keep the products you like and will use.
Day 4 Kitchen
The kitchen is truly the hardest for me to declutter. We gather as a family in the kitchen, and it is the heart of our home. I love to cook and bake from scratch. This requires various kitchen appliances, utensils, and dishes, which can add up quickly. It tends to get cluttered very easily.
You can donate mismatched, unused dishes, mugs, bowls, glasses, and pans that you don't use to a homeless shelter or charity.
It is usually filled with old spices that I don't use and opened stale food I can throw away. Toss all food that is expired.
Fridge & Freezer
Yes, even food in the freezer does eventually spoil. Check expiration dates on all condiments. I am going through and tossing all expired or spoiled food.
Now is the perfect time to wipe down the entire fridge inside and out.
Random appliances always find their way into our kitchens. I had a sushi-making kit for years before I finally admitted I would never use it. Maybe it was a gift or an impulse buy years ago. If you are never going to use it, donate it.
Junk Drawer
Every kitchen has one. It can hold everything from pens, notebooks, batteries, dog collars, and keys. The possibilities are endless! First, decide what items are most helpful in this space. Declutter everything else. Organize the few select items you have chosen to find them easily.
Day 5 Office
Go through all old technology and donate to charity or sell old phones, cameras, and computers. Begin by identifying the chargers that match the electronics you use. Old chargers and cords seem to multiply all on their own.
This is a great chance to go through all of my papers, organize what I still need, and toss what I don't. I look through each notebook, old bills, receipts, and documents. If it is essential papers, but I don't need original copies, I will scan them, keeping digital copies. For the necessary documents like birth certificates and passports, I organize them in a small fireproof, waterproof safe.
Arts, Crafts & Hobbies
When my kids were small, I had a lot of arts and crafts. As my kids have grown, I have less and less. It's nice to declutter my old arts & crafts and hobbies and only keep the few things that I use and enjoy. You can try to donate unwanted times to schools and kid programs.
Office Supplies
Test all pens, markers, staplers, and scissors and toss the broken ones. Only keep the ones that you will use regularly.
Day 6 Laundry & Storage Room
Towels & Linens
Identify How many changes of linen do you need? Go through the linens and donate old sheets and pillowcases that you no longer need or use. Keep only the number of lines that you decided you needed. Declutter old towels, donate the ones that are still useable, and tear up the old ones to be used for rags.
Laundry Items
You are tossing any old or empty detergent containers or fabric softener. Eliminate any duplicate items you may have or things you never use.
Suitcases & Luggage
I've been guilty of hanging on to old luggage I never use in hopes that someday I might need it. Determine what luggage is most beneficial to you now—may be keeping one large suitcase and one carry-on. If you tend to support many different bags, declutter the ones that you are least favorite.
Someday Items
Let it go if you've been holding on to anything you thought you might do someday. Maybe an instrument you took a few lessons on or a set of golf clubs you were given but never used. Today is the time to sell these rarely or never used things.
Day 7 Car
Glove compartment, middle console
It's incredible how many things find their way into the car and never out again. Go through the glove compartment and toss old papers and napkins.
Back seat, side pockets
Declutter the back seat and side pocket, taking out everything that does not belong in the car. If you have small children, this area can be filled to the brim. When my kids were small, I kept two of their favorite toys (the ones that didn't make noise), and two books. I would change these out weekly to give them variety.
Yikes! The trunk is a haven for unused items from last season or last year. After you have eliminated everything that doesn't belong in the trunk, try using plastic bins to organize auto supplies, fabric grocery bags, picnic/hiking gear. Bins help keep your trunk nice and tidy.